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Over the years Patrick Bergeron has served in many diverse professional capacities at all three levels of government. He has been an East Baton Rouge Metro-Councilman, a Congressional District Political Director, and the Chief of Staff of the Louisiana Department of Elections. For several years he was a lobbyist and spokesman for local officials at the capitol and has served as a commission appointee or chairman under three Governors. Politically, he has been a media consultant, a campaign manager or communications director for dozens of candidates and has played a role in many dramatic upset victories over the past 30 years. "Bergeron said he had been developing internet strategies for several businesses, issue groups and political campaigns recently, utilizing websites, blogs, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter components. "The internet applications and implications for shaping public opinion are unlimited. The viral nature of email and the social networks makes it where an issue or candidate can be ignited or squelched literally overnight."